
Just how much of an arsehole do you have to be to park here? A beautiful medieval town centre, one end of this road has bollards blocking it (the other end may do too). It's clearly a fußgangerzone, but there are no signs saying no parking. Cos no reasonable person would think this is a suitable place to discard their vehicle.

What is the German for "you park like an arsehole" ? I want to write it on the bonnet in brake fluid. (May contain traces of joke in that last sentence)

@quixoticgeek no need to joke about that. The German reaction would probably be putting an exceedingly rude, potentially threatening note under the windshield wipers, but I'd say brake fluid on the bonnet is warranted in this case. Preferably *that car's* brake fluid?

@quixoticgeek Knowing Germany, this is probably NOT a pedestrian zone. We may think it looks like one from a foreign perspective but in most German Altstadt centers you can drive. Germany is famous for it’s succesful car industry. They do love their PKW’s!

@Belle oh. What's a pkw?

I'll check the sign on the bollards when I leave.

@quixoticgeek Personen Kraft Wagen. A passenger car in German.

@quixoticgeek @Belle yup. One of the signs for which there's no internationally agreed design

@quixoticgeek @Belle they have automatic bollards so at this time of day its almost certain the person has a permit or key. Or they're a fool & been stuck there since the morning and a parksheriff is going to catch up with them 💰

@quixoticgeek it's possibly someone who lives there & has a permit

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