
@mkpaa what's the numbers looking like for Ruska this year ? Have any more people signed up ?

@quixoticgeek So few have finished registration that I don't know. I'd need to compare the lists.

@mkpaa how many women ? I still need to work out how to post a drop bag to the finish. And how to get home again.

@quixoticgeek I think 4 now.
By standard post to hotel at finish would work.

@mkpaa is everyone riding Finnish other than me? An idiots guide to what ferries are allowed for Tallinn-Helsinki would be very useful in the manual.

@quixoticgeek There were a few foreign names I don't know about.
Public sources are good enough for the ferries. I can't imagine you'd find an option that wouldn't be allowed.

@mkpaa it's interesting that googling I find a lot more articles about doing Helsink to Tallin, than the reverse. Mostly I'm trying to work out if they all leave from the same place, and can I just rock up, buy a ticket and get on the next boat... Or do I need to put more planning in. I had anticipated this being an easier question to answer when I started googling a few hours ago...

@quixoticgeek Rare to find one where passenger and/or bicycle tickets would be sold out. Can be bought from line, but more expensive and slower than online.

@mkpaa I'm guessing I buy something via my phone when I'm a few km away.

@quixoticgeek Yes. There are 3-4 million passengers on the route every year. It is essentially combination of Hki/Tallinn commuter boat and a cheap alcohol shop for Finns.

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