
Had hoped to have a go at learning to solder pipes together this evening, but it's way too windy out for such things.

@quixoticgeek Too far away for me to show you, sorry. How about starting with something small like a couple of wires?

@BogLoper I can solder electronics just fine. Right down to BGA surface mount. Pipework on the other hand is new to me, I normally just use compression fittings, but the fitting in need isn't easily available as a compression fitting. So solder it is. Can't be too hard. Have purchased some fittings to practice with. Feel like it's a useful skill every girl should know anyhow.

@quixoticgeek Sure is. Everyone should be able to solder - and weld. Plastering is another useful skill.

@BogLoper My mum taught me the important skills, brick laying and woodwork... Welding is on the list, as is general smithing. I can also sew, cook, and I built my bike.

@quixoticgeek wow! Never laid bricks or done smithing. How much did the bike parts cost?

@BogLoper way too much. I've started building a new bike, that's cost me over €600, just for the frame. I haven't yet started collecting the rest of the parts.

@quixoticgeek Wow! I've rebuilt motorbikes, cars and we built a stock car, many moons ago, and raced it for three seasons

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