I want a small laptop. Something that will easily fit in my camera bag. It doesn't need to be anything high performance. Just enough to run vi and ssh. And a physical keyboard

Can anyone recommend such a device ?

@quixoticgeek A used lenovo thinkpad x250 (12.5" screen, inexpensive, and you can throw Linux on it)


@joe too big for my camera bag. I'm looking at about 10"

@quixoticgeek The newest thing that I can thing of that goes that small is the eeePC. Asus did reboot the line as the EeeBook in ~2015 but the screen just goes down to 11.6in, I believe. The pinebook goes that small, as well.

I think that what you might really need is a iPad Mini and a compact bluetooth keyboard. I have been able to fit both in a back pocket of a pair of cargo pants, previously.

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