This makes me so angry. If we are to have any chance of surviving as a society beyond 2050, we need to dramatically reduce our car use. This means a massive modal shift to public transport. So what are NS doing to help this? Hiking prices, and taking actions to disincentivise travel. "Most of the day we're moving air" no you're moving people. You're providing a service. Public transport is there to transport the public. We need more of it. And it needs to be cheaper.

@quixoticgeek The NS might be trying to do the best with what they have.

Possibly the person to be angry with is Mark "Empty Suit" Rutte.


@TomSwirly alas I can't vote. The limit of my power is in ranting on Mastodon :( but yes. If those of you who can vote could get rid of him that would be good. Something groenlinks would be nice please.

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