I like how I specifically said in the video that the current charging infrastructure landscape is weird and that we shouldn't look to it as setting a norm, and yet I am still getting bombarded by Tesla apologists who think all automakers need to put the charge port where Tesla does to be compatible with their weird chargers with dinky cables.

By the way, it's a massive oversight to put the charge door on the driver's side. That presumes on-street charging will just... never happen.

And sure, there's hardly any of that in the US at present. But that'll probably change.


@TechConnectify I wish EV designers would remember things like "electrons can flow up hill" and "we aren't limited to one charging port". So much of the design language of car charger ports is just slightly skewed fossil fuel injection holes. They could be so much better. In position, orientation, and number.

@quixoticgeek @TechConnectify I don't see how the single port would in any way remind of the dinosaur juice inlets. I mean, having multiple entry points for a liquid is even simpler than for electricity (assuming some level of safety :)).

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