
Hearty stew season is almost upon us. Dear fediverse, tell me, what are your favourite hearty stews to cook in the autumn?

@quixoticgeek hutspot en boerenkoolstamppot. Both with (unox) rookworst 🙂 And good gravy!

@ZuilenV stamppot boerenkohl is my favourite stamppot. To the horror of my Dutch housemate who says it's only to be eaten with rookworst. I serve it with many of my hearty stews. Goes great with Hachee.

@quixoticgeek serve it with whatever you want (hutspot with piccalilly 😬)! Boerenkoolstamppot is always nice. And hachee is also very nice indeed!

@ZuilenV draadjesvlees is another Dutch dish I like to serve with stamppot boerenkohl.

@quixoticgeek and goulash is also favorite, but I cannot cook that. Aleays tru to eat it at a friends house who can cook this.

@quixoticgeek rookworst is here the favorite, but a meatball is also nice.

@quixoticgeek Hutspot met klapstuk soon (3 oktober is soon upon us, after all).

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