
Question for you lovely followers. Are you Dutch and have you made Hachee from scratch in the last 5 years ?

@quixoticgeek Where’s the sub-option “… but now you have me looking up recipes because really I should.”?

Hutspot with klapstuk made its annual appearance earlier this week.

#3October #LeidensOntzet #LiftingOfTheSiegeOfLeiden #Yes3OctoberWithACThatsHowWeWriteItHereInLeiden

@quixoticgeek Yespls. Do you want my klapstuk recipe in return? (Nothing super-special, but it works, and after 3.5, 4 h it’s proper draadjesvlees like my grandparents used to make.)

@happydisciple ooh yes please. I have two different draadjesvlees recipes but neither is perfect

@happydisciple Just noticed that my notes even include the URL where I got it from!

That makes sharing easier! I change the method slightly. I put the flour and the meat in a bowl with a lid, shake it to coat the meat, then brown as the recipe says.

@quixoticgeek My klapstuk-recipe isn’t a million miles different. You don’t cut up the meat, don’t add in flour as in the recipe (but rub flour into the beef cuts, similar to your method), and turn the liquid into a gravy rather than making a beef stew. I’ll get you the full recipe once I’m home (I’ve written it in the front/back matter of one of my recipe books, where a lot of my forever-recipes end up).

@quixoticgeek Can you cope with the recipe in Dutch, would you like my translation of it, or do you want to translate it yourself (which, I suppose, brings us back to point 1 above)?

@happydisciple Dutch is fine. I got into cooking traditional Dutch food to improve my Dutch...

@quixoticgeek Ingrediënten:
* 500 g riblap / runderlap / sukadelap / schouderlap
* 2-6 el boter
* 2 dl water
* 1 vleesbouillonblokje
* 1 el. maïzena
* 3 el. azijn
* 1 ui
* 3 laurierblaadjes
* 2 kruidnagels
* bloem
* peper
* zout


@quixoticgeek Bereiden draadjesvlees:

Wrijf het vlees in met bloem, peper en zout. Beide kanten bruinen in een braadpan, daarna uit pan nemen.

Gesnipperde ui in bakvet lichtbruin bakken.

Water, bouillonblokje, azijn, laurierblaadjes en kruidnagels bij ui doen en aan de kook brengen.

Vlees terug in de bouillon doen, deksel op de pan, en 3 tot 3½ h stoven op lage bron. Controleer regelmatig. Zo nodig scheutje water langs de rand van de pan toevoegen.
Vlees halverwege keren.


@quixoticgeek Haal het vlees uit de pan, verwijder de laurierblaadjes en kruidnagels.

Breng de bouillon aan de kook, en bind met in 2 el. water aangeroerde maïzena.


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