
Binge watching all of previous series of . Have 2 seasons left I think. Currently on the most states in us series.

@quixoticgeek I think some of the earlier ones were better, personally. But the recent European version was significantly improved by the increased geographical reach (not to add too many spoilers).

"Better" is of course relative and subjective. They're all extremely entertaining and illuminating!

@crablab I've done the two European ones and New Zealand. The two European ones are very relatable as I've done lots of those train journeys myself.

@quixoticgeek Absolutely - same.

If you're interested, TL;Dr news did a similar spin off which riffed on the format a bit. That was substantially more relatable in train content, but wasn't quite as good on the team dynamics.

@crablab at least Brian got a charisma upgrade on his reappearance.

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