
The North sea is weird.

English: North sea, location relative to England? East.
Dutch: Noordzee, location relative to the Netherlands? West.
Norwegian: Nordsjøen, location relative to Norway? South west.
Danish: Nordsøen, location relative to Denmark? West.
German: Nordsee, location relative to Germany. West.

There is no country that borders the North sea for which the North sea is North of their coast.

Why the fuck is it the North sea? North of what ?!?!?

@sjaakkeuvelaar France hits the English channel not the North sea...

Not exactly. The communes between Marck and the Belgian border are located at the North Sea coast. It’s just a small connection, but France DOES hit the North Sea.

@quixoticgeek Looking at a map, for me the North Sea is north of western Germany and eastern Netherlands. Or did I just miss the joke?

@quixoticgeek In Finnish, the Baltic Sea is Itämeri, meaning "east sea", but it's to the south and west of Finland...

@Porcia @kim but one cricket pitch west of Canterbury east...

@happydisciple @quixoticgeek It’s North of lot of German territory, and even extends to the North from where it also extends to the West. I never even thought about this Western aspect as it’s to the North of most of Germany.

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