It feels like I've spent the whole week trying to fix a mistake I made when sharpening this plane iron. I got the angle wrong, and trying to grind it out is taking an age :(

@quixoticgeek If you're doing it dry you might try the diamond wet with water. It will cut faster that way.

@quixoticgeek I've been there before hand sharpening things and even on my tormek with a big chisel slick I made where it took an hour on the machine to get the angle finished after rough grinding it.

@firephoto I hope this is just A2 being incredibly hard. I have some O1 tool steel I'm planning to make things with, and I'd hate for it to be as hard to work as this.

@quixoticgeek If it is the hardness then I guess the good news is it will stay sharp longer.

I think some people get the main angle set then just slightly alter it for resharpening so the whole bevel doesn't have to be taken down each time when sharpening. Eventually you take the time and put the entire edge back to the original angle or live with it being off a degree or so.


@firephoto it's a bevel up plane. So bevel angle is critical.

@quixoticgeek Makes sense, I have one, or two but they're just small Stanley's I knock the corners off things. No fancy steel there I'm sure.

@firephoto the plane I'm working on is a modern Stanley sweetheart no 62 low angle jack. It's iron is made of A2 steel.

@quixoticgeek I know the one I use the most is a 220 because I looked at the number yesterday, the other one is nicer looking but might just be older and the same thing. I needed a block plane and a lot of old rusty ones was on ebay so I have a variety now of small planes.

@firephoto I have two wooden coffin smoothers. One from Sweden one from .NL. I have a long wooden jointer of unknown origin. And then I have the new Stanley 62, and. Dictum no 4. I might get a block plane for Xmas.

@quixoticgeek I have an old Dunlap West Germany, a Record A151 flat spokeshave, Record 778, Kunz 79 side rabbet, and the collection of block planes. I don't use them much but that can be said for most things in the shop until I get the thing cleaned up a re-arranged, and then projects on the bench can be finished or moved.

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