I wonder if the when the US stops burning dinosaurs in it's cars, and is fully electric, if the electric car chargers are going to work in the metric kilowatt hours, or if they are going to have them calibrated in Horsepower per fortnights or something...

@wonka @quixoticgeek younger people do prefer the simplicity of the decimal system and the SI system, I have never seen young people complain about cm, mm or m.

@tadbithuman @wonka and kg or tonnes. Makes so much sense. Seeing NASA launch streams talking about pounds just makes me shudder. The fact you get long and short tons as well... argh

@quixoticgeek @wonka football fields and Olympic swimming pools, those are the best.

It's usually the ignorance in editorial or copywriting level which is responsible for journalistic content.

There was a fatal plane crash due to weight measures being different. There is absolutely no logic in leaving units in US Imperial system.

@tadbithuman @quixoticgeek @wonka You only have to look at the cock-up with the Hubble Mirror, because of the merican not understanding the metric system.

@Porcia @quixoticgeek @wonka

Not to distract from the stupid unit bashing, monarchies are probably more irrational a concept than stupid units. Keep bashing both.

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