I wonder if the when the US stops burning dinosaurs in it's cars, and is fully electric, if the electric car chargers are going to work in the metric kilowatt hours, or if they are going to have them calibrated in Horsepower per fortnights or something...

The problem is that the "useful" unit for charging is "how much additional distance can i travel with X additional charging time", but we are saved by the fact that "miles per hour" is already taken...


@eichin @tadbithuman But that varies a lot by driving conditions. You don't think of I'm putting 300km of diesel in the car. So why think of it as 300km of electrons ?

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@quixoticgeek @tadbithuman Sure, it varies by conditions, by type of car, by ambient temperature in extreme cases. But it's the number you care about, because with petro-fuels you'll have a filling station available within a mile or two of where you happen to stop, electric is still sparse enough (and slow enough) that you care very much about what *range* you're charging to, and make choices like "10m partial charge now to get home, then an overnight full charge in my garage"...

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