Wow. According to the hydrogen industry lobbyist in my mentions I've gaslit you all by suggesting that heat pumps are great.

Which is weird. Cos heat pumps are an amazing technology. There's even moves to develop air/air heat pumps they use propane as the refrigerant, so DIY installers can easily install them. But what's truly amazing about heat pumps is how they can scale. In the city of London they've installed a big ground source heat pump to drive district heating. It's awesome.

@quixoticgeek Beats me. I do wonder if it’s an English not-invented-here thing. Twenty-plus years ago I’d be impressed with district heating, ground-source heat pumps, early Vestas turbines, only to be met with confused stares back in the UK.


@BashStKid British not-invented-here syndrome is incredibly infuriating.

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