@tony @Porcia @quixoticgeek Vacuum person here.

I in no way believe that hydrogen is the answer to energy demands, it's just a thing put up by the dying fossil fuels industry but we normally test for leaks with Helium. It's the smallest thing that's easy to detect for leaks. On paper, Hydrogen is smaller so could leak more but Hydrogen normally comes as H2 so the molecules are bigger than helium in its natural state.

And hydrogen embrittlement is definitely a thing. Hydrogen power is a scam

@mw1cgg @tony @Porcia @quixoticgeek Isn't importing hydrogen from Africa in tankers currently the German government's strategy on how to get to 100% renewable?


@antonia @mw1cgg @tony @Porcia I thought their strategy was to close all the nukes and burn coal and then be confused as to why their emissions are so high...

@quixoticgeek @mw1cgg @tony @Porcia well, that is the short-term strategy, the hydrogen is apparently the long-term strategy

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