The apparent inability of Fujitsu technical and middle management staff to remember the detail of what they were doing 20-25 years ago has been on my mind this week, so I dug out the profile which my employers used to sell my consultancy expertise 25 years ago and asked myself if I could recall the details of each assignment. Sure enough, I had no difficulty. Was Fujitsu putting something in the water? What else might account for staff amnesia?


@christineburns stress. People working under high stress levels are going to have trouble making memories. Likewise depression. Everything about the Fujitsu code screams very stressed programmers.

@quixoticgeek @christineburns word, also potentially high turnover of projects. I used to prepare tax returns, and for the 250-500 clients a year I worked on, would be able to remember details from year-to-year (names of children, types of company car, postcode). But after a couple of years of them not being clients? Stripped from my memory (which I'm sure they will be glad to hear). 20 years on it's only my most memorable few clients that I can recall any sort of detail for.

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