Now that's what I call a Cargo Bike - this CaGo from Denmark is now available here - if #ebikes are the future for #urban travel, then this must make a strong showing for the #delivery part of that idea.

(Mind you, they're not cheap)


@ChrisMayLA6 The Wheels are too small. For Sweden. No fun in the snow and ice. My trek district 2 with a wooden crate on front and back is perfect. Studded tires in the winter.
Over 5000 km since November 2022…


yes I can see that.... and wouldn't be so good out in rural N.Lancashire, but in the cities, looks like an impressive bit of kit


@ChrisMayLA6 @Krux_22 the electric assist evens out the hills. Bikes like this are great even in rural areas.

@quixoticgeek @Krux_22

you may not have seen some of the hills round here.... but I get your point, I have friends with e-bike who find the hills a lot easier then me (on my manual)

@ChrisMayLA6 @quixoticgeek Ebikes really shines when it is hilly imo.
That’s when I really appreciate the assistance. On flat ground I usually go faster than 25 km/h so the assistance turns off.

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