Watching the @TechConnectify video about heating sizing. The thing I find hardest to understand tho is the idea of measuring heat pumps in tons.

What's wrong with measuring them in kW?


@TechConnectify @allpoints brilliant. That makes sense to my brain. I can picture how big that is.

Excellent video btw.

Out of curiosity, are you able to tell us how much a kWh of electricity costs where you are ?

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@quixoticgeek @allpoints It's hard for me to give a concrete number since I'm on a real-time hourly plan (which, funnily enough, went negative several times today) but for those on fixed-rates with ComEd it's somewhere between $0.10 and $0.12/kWh.

Not sure what the flat rate is at this point, but I come out ahead every month by shifting my car charging to the middle of the night (and air conditioning, too, in the summer).

@TechConnectify @allpoints that's not too bad. Here time of use tariffs are not common yet, and the rate is over 50c kWh. :(

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