
Interesting how they can always find every little flaw with green energy technologies while the flaws of the current petro-techs are just business-as-usual and not worth noticing.

@quixoticgeek the really upsetting thing is the health effects are real, but they correlate with the fear mongering, instead of actual proximity to wind turbines. The people who push this narrative are the ones making people sicker than any turbine.

@tfyoung @quixoticgeek Ah yes, wind turbine syndrome, the only 'medical condition' that can be cured by money. The people getting money to have them on their land don't get sick, only their neighbours. It's not the wind turbines, its the nocebo effect.

@quixoticgeek Car noises are way freaking worse. At least turbines are consistent.

I won't leave near a main road because of the sheer anxiety it gives me day and night.

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