
Why are we building chip fabrication facilities in water stressed areas? Worlds biggest fabs are on Taiwan. A small island with very precarious water supplys.

US chips actually is finding new dabs in the US... In Arizona... In Texas... Seriously?!? You have states like Washington where it basically never stops raining, and you want to build a heavy water using industry in a fucking desert?!?!?

The EU is building a big facility in Magdeburg Germany, which is marginally better.

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@quixoticgeek considering that now everyone in the US is doing *shocked pikachu face* over the sudden need for more power now that they’re locating chip, battery, car factories in the US for the „green transition“ and the power grid defaults back over to building gas power, I think it just stands out very loudly that *nothing* in these engineering and planning disciplines can think for the polycrisis. Even if one area tries to think ahead, everyone else defaults to The Same Old Shit

@quixoticgeek “Why are we building chip fabrication facilities” full stop.

@becha well we will need some chip fabrication capabilities, but I'd very much like us to stop wasting resources on chips for sparkling autocarrot...

@quixoticgeek we can work on reducing & reusing & recycling… in my ideal world…

@becha agreed. Reducing and reusing is always the preferred option. But we're still gonna need some manufacturing capability. Even if just for making chips to cover spare parts.

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