
One of the big advantages of the UNIX model of small tools, each built to do one thing, and so it well, is it's easy for one person to keep on top of the code base for that tool. Modern codebases measured in the millions of lines of code, are impossible for anyone to fully grasp. Systemd is 1.3m loc, which is bonkers, but the chrome code base is 35m. It's impossible for anyone person to have any real oversight of what most of that code is doing.

Our codebases are just far far too complicated.

@quixoticgeek another reason I like Alpine… openrc is nice and small (and largely shell scripts) and doesn't impose its opinions on you 😇

Thanks for reminding me that i need to refactor my tools next week.

@quixoticgeek would you follow an argument that claims "keep your codebases small" applies the federation logic? Small scale, decentralized and connected, versus large scale, centralized and vendor lock in?

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