
The bigger issue is where you can return bottles for deposit.

If I buy a bottle of drink at the station, the only place I can return it is a supermarket. If I'm not going anywhere near a supermarket any time soon, am I gonna carry an empty bottle round for hours, maybe days, until I do goto a supermarket, just for the €0.15?

Don't worry about rising the price, make it so anywhere selling drinks in bottles has to accept returns. This is what happens in Germany.

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@quixoticgeek you're gonna carry it home with you and stash it into a cupboard with other bottles. Rinse and repeat until the cupboard is overflowing and then return them all the next time you go to the supermarket and get a nice big deposit to use for the groceries. Or at least that's how it works in Finland in my experience, dunno if anyone ever returns just the one bottle.

@kskehu so when cycling in Germany, I'll get a bottle at one gas station, drink it's contents along the way to the next gas station, at which I buy a new one, and return the empty. Repeat. I've done this for hundreds of km. But in .nl, nope, to the supermarket if you want a refund...

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