I’m lost

I’ve just crossed a capital city by train, 3 stops so far*.

Not once been told to mind the gap between the platform and the train.

Not once been warned to not leave behind my luggage.

Not once been warned to not open the doors before the train is at the platform.

Not once been told to label my luggage.

Not once been told to mind the closing doors.

And no one died (as far as I’m aware).

* - I’m now in Belgium having arrived from France earlier

(Oh and it took me about 30 seconds and involved no UX WTF moments to activate a Standard Multi journey for the trip - and Standard Multi remains one of the most brilliant ticket products anywhere. It matches my needs as a semi regular long distance traveller perfectly)

@quixoticgeek 10 single trips anywhere in Belgium to use within 12 months. Costs 99 euro. So essentially €9,90 to get you anywhere in Belgium you want, providing you travel semi regularly. (Today for me: Bruxelles Midi - Liege - Visé)

@jon ooh, a Carnet. Those I like. Now keep the price the same, but make it work across Europe...

Can you just rock up, stamp the ticket at the validator machine, and get on a train ?

@quixoticgeek on paper you write it on. In the app (which saves you a few Euro) you state start and end stations and activate.

@jon @quixoticgeek does an app really save you a few euro? What price access to your phone, its data, network and battery? Transport tickets really ought to use standard ticket wallet apps. Bet their blasted app is only on Google and Apple app stores, not independent ones, entrenching the tech overlord monopolies further. 😤


@jon @mjr there needs to be a nice middle ground. I hate the way everything is moving to apps. The other day I wanted to find a water tap. And the website for such, rather than offering a map just said download the app. Drives me nuts.

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@quixoticgeek @mjr Sure. But given the nature of this ticket - that only you can use it - it has to be connected to a login. Can be done on SNCB’s site too.

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