It's nuts in Star Trek that they postulate nobody would know how to cook anymore bc of replicators. True cooking perverts would love the opportunity to have a kitchen where you could get any quantity of any ingredient instantly, AND (maybe more impressive) any cooking implement.

I could use a huge wok or waffle iron or food processor without worrying about where to put it. Just chuck it back in the replicator with the dishes when you're done

New levels of food perversion unlocked


@InternetEh also no need to faff about chopping stuff. "500g onions, finely chopped" *bzzzzt* and it's there. It would be awesome.

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@quixoticgeek @InternetEh

Competing artistic visions: "About eight years ago I made absolutely perfect caramelized onions, and I have been using them ever since."

"That ruins it. The skill of the chef must be put to the test every time."

"I use Chef Zoidberg's Stardate 54920.2 take three caramelized onions. After tasting more than seven hundred versions, these are the best."

"I have six preferred caramelized onions depending on how I'm feeling, but I'm always looking for something new."

@dashdsrdash @quixoticgeek @InternetEh "About eight years ago I made absolutely perfect caramelized onions, and I have never been able to repeat that."

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