
Why is it so damn hard to find an M4 tap that can tap all the way to the bottom of a blind hole? :(

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@quixoticgeek I think I just found some by going over to the German side 😉

"Gewindebohrer Sackloch" might be the thing you're looking for?

They seem to have sharp conical tips so if you want your hole with a blunt end maybe that's the wrong thing.

@twobiscuits i have taps from Germany and china. They all have a conical tip. Just a question of how long it is. But none of them get closer than 3mm to the bottom of the hole...

@quixoticgeek well the ones for "sackloch" at least don't have a tapered bit at the beginning of the thread cutter. Just a sharp point beyond it a bit like a normal drill bit. I guess you have to start the thread at the top of the hole with a normal one?

@quixoticgeek because m4 will always divert() before it reaches the bottom of the hol^W I mean file.

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