
I just learned that Python includes Logo in the default installation and now I'm reliving my turtle graphics childhood.

@th always use Logo for your entire tech stack, as it's turtles all the way down!

@th yes! And it’s a pretty good implementation :)

If you’re a Logo fan and haven’t already seen this, you might enjoy it:

(And if you did see it, apologies for over sharing 😊)

@th Very nice! 😊 Sadly I never came across Logo in real life

At first glance, it seems a strangely domain-specific language to use to teach programming

And yet I can see that what it does at that level is far more interesting than arguably equally domain-specific languages like BASIC

(Any language whose standard beginner’s example is of the hello-world type is at least geared towards text processing, and on the first computers I used, all graphics were made out of text)

Side note: TIL that Logo is the same age as me (

#Python #Logo #TurtleGraphics

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