i love when datasheets are like

"This is a 1V8 voltage regulator.

Suggested applications:

- Devices requiring 1V8 voltage regulation"


@jacqueline "The HSN-1000 senses the detonation of a nuclear weapon. Suggested applications: devices that require sensing the detonation nuclear weapon."

@th @jacqueline that is a cheaper pricetag than I expected. shame they're unobtainium.

@th @jacqueline I would love to know what the return rate is… "failed to detect detonation" would sort of imply "and we're all dead now".

@th @jacqueline Another fun fact: there's a nuclear explosion sensor named after a cannabis prepararion, because it was not believed to work properly

@nick_ @th @jacqueline ... wait.. is that also why smoke-concentrating water pipes are called bongs? from bhang?
now I gotta look this up.

e: ah nope, it's the Thai word 'baung'

@th @jacqueline “100% tested” like how exactly. did you set off a nuke next to it

@th @jacqueline @whitequark
The datasheet says “Detection threshold adjustability”
This leads to terrible questions about how they tested or expect the end user to set this.

@ThereIsNoMagic @th @jacqueline @whitequark pretty sure if you need that device, you can find a place that has some nuclear material sample

@ThereIsNoMagic @th @jacqueline @whitequark

In Australia in 2010, I met the guy who was responsible for that, I think. He was a Brit, who had worked on the last joint US-UK underground nuclear weapons test at the Nevada Test Site. By his description, it was mostly devoted to qualification and verification of instruments.

@ThereIsNoMagic @th @jacqueline @whitequark You can test it with an X-ray, gamma or neutron source. Pretty standard stuff in metrology labs where they use standard sources to calibrate dosimeters. You could probably simulate the actual X-ray pulse.

@th @jacqueline do you have that meme schematic where this was connected to that toaster controller ASIC?

@th@social.v.st @jacqueline@chaos.social I wish souch that I find this chip in our official vendor system just to buy 100 of the to use in a trainee project

@Erpel @th @jacqueline
Tell us a week in advance, when your trainees projects comes to run a full function test.

@th @jacqueline "Preventing upset and burnout of electronic components"?

Good luck with that.

@th @jacqueline minimum detection threshold 2000Gy/sec, yikes. on the other hand, if NED ever does go low, at least you probably don't have to worry too much about it

@th @jacqueline You know, it's always great to see a device you didn't know about! Or, I mean, it's *usually* great, sometimes, I don't know man....

@tryst @th @jacqueline

Ah, but there's also the HSN-3000 that allows the detection flag to be reset so it can detect the second up to the Nth detonation.

For those times when overkill is the only option!

@th @jacqueline interesting that the output signal is normally high and that if it goes low there’s been a nuclear event – or the chip has fallen out

@th @jacqueline "100% tested/certified detection threshold level"
Um, I bet that Test Engineer must be *glowing*. :D

@th @jacqueline I wonder what the reset is like... Surely there is a reset mechanism, otherwise I could just lay down a really long wire to act as an EMP antenna, right?

Ideally it would be automatic after a brief delay. Wouldn't want to miss any.

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