I think I have teased this already, so here it is:
Proudly presenting “ligra”, an open source projector/projection (LiGra – Light Graffiti) platform, allowing you to broadcast your messages, your logos, your artwork, whatever you need others to hear, to whoever sees it! :3

With ligra I wanted to explore image-projection and especially projections on the cheap, so I went to my local flea market and built a platform around old camera lenses. You can find two of them in the wild at #GPN22

It’s fairly easy to build and straight forward in its functional principle. ligra is simply a camera working backwards.

Right behind its (canon FD) lens it hosts a 2D printed piece of foil that has ruffly the size of a 35mm sensor. On it the image to be projected.

The whole apparatus is illuminated by a simple, single LED light source and I already have used just a flashlight there.


@janamarie reminds me a bit of the "Image Fulgurator", an art project that modified a 35mm camera to hold a slide and a flash behind it. The flash triggers when it senses someone else taking a flash photograph and projects the slide through the camera lens onto the other person's scene.

@th @janamarie hah ... was about to reach for a link to exactly this but you got there ahead of me ... :)

@th @janamarie this would be a blast during a popular press conference given some juicy texts/graphics

@Natanael_L @th @janamarie deffo nice! True there's a large solution space.

Its not exactly what I had in mind though. Perhaps I need to get away from my criminal energy and touch grass 😅

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