Okay Fediverse, as funding is not happening at the levels necessary to sustain me working full-time on the Fediverse (whether that's on trust & safety or on Mastodon), I'm now looking for part-time or contract positions.

Most recently I worked for Sir Tim Berners-Lee's company Inrupt.

CV: docs.google.com/document/d/1gs
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/thisismissem

I'm based in Berlin, but tend to work EST.

Holla if you wanna work together: emelia+hireme@brandedcode.com

#GetFediHired #FediHired #JobSearch

@becha not seeing anything relevant there? Am I missing something?

@thisismissem we have other openings from time to time, check it out if you like the company .

@becha okay.. but “in the future” doesn't really help with “right now", but thanks for the reply!

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