In .NL going out for dinner late in the evening, esp on a Sunday is not the norm. Many places stop serving by 2000. I found an Indian place I wanted to try and it's open until 2300. Arriving at 2030, and there's only one other table of people. Soooo quiet.

@ZuilenV that's a bit late! 1730 for some... And no warm lunches...

Weirdos :p

@quixoticgeek hahaha! You have a point. Warm lunch? No way. Boterham met kaas, that’s lunch 🙂🙂🙂🙂

@ZuilenV @quixoticgeek my Dutch tutor tried to explain the concept of "eating warm" once a day to us

@microwavenby @ZuilenV trying to explain the concept of breakfast to my Dutch colleagues. Then the brain breaking when I ask "what's the difference between the bread & cheese after you wake up, and bread & cheese in the middle of the day...

@quixoticgeek @microwavenby I like by the way old cheese on my boterham 🙂 ‘overjarig’


@ZuilenV @microwavenby i don't understand jonge Kaas. Edible cheese seems to be somewhere around belegen or extra belegen. Anything else is just soap...

@quixoticgeek @microwavenby my husband likes graskaas 🤢🤢 that’s younger than young 😬

@quixoticgeek @microwavenby yes almost…

Do you like Rivella? That’s by product of making cheese. Made of ‘wei’…

@ZuilenV @microwavenby not my thing. I used to think the Dutch made crap cheese. Then I came here and realised the Dutch only export crap cheese... Oude boerenkaaa. Lekker.

@quixoticgeek @microwavenby 🙂👍🏼 so many other cheeses as well. Komijnekaas, or cheese with olives, paprika etc etc. A good ‘kaasboer’ has many varieties!

@ZuilenV @microwavenby good cheese shouldn't need pollutants to make it tasty... :p

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