
Welcome to the 40+ of you who have followed me since my thread on thread and knives. I hope you'll stick around. But don't be surprised if I mostly moan about computers, and transport.

Warning, toots may contain traces of feminism.

· Edited · · Mastodon for Android · 3 · 0 · 9

It did a presentation at an event once. The opening slide had the usual "all views are my own" and then in small text at the bottom "may contain traces of feminism"

I got to the end, asked if anyone had questions. A hand shot up. And the person just asks "*traces* of feminism". It had basically been a 30 minute feminism lecture...

@quixoticgeek I was going to say I'm not here for "trace" feminism. Ladle it on!

@quixoticgeek I’m one of the 40+ people, and the first post I noticed after those threads was a random-ish computer-y post. Which to be honest delighted me, with my reaction being mostly along the lines of, “ah, an actual whole person is writing these.” So, thank you!

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