Researching how to make my own tool holder (having seen the price of them). The mill I have access to uses an ISO40 taper. ISO. Excellent that's gonna be metric and sensible and... no wait... Wtf. ISO taper angle is 8.2971° (relative to the centre line of the piece).

What uncultured barbarian idiot came up with such a number...

Oh right, it's grandfathered from imperial 3.5" in a foot, or a 7:24 ratio. *Sigh*

Technical debt... Machine shop edition.

@quixoticgeek since you don't cut tapers with that high degree of accuracy required by setting any kind of angles: who cares?

@PalmAndNeedle cos I need to work out how to set that angle on the top slide. and I can't just use a dial indicator to copy an existing taper.

@quixoticgeek Been quite a while since I've done it, and I only ever made decorative tapers (plumb bobs). But my favorite YouTubes maker #Blondiehacks has a great demonstration for the home gamer.


@PalmAndNeedle yep. Quinn is my go-to tutor for these things. Am a big fan of her work.

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