
Bah. Despite both my housemate and I being home. PostNL decided we aren't in, and instead will be taking my package to a parcel shop. Grrrr.

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@quixoticgeek yeah, I've had the same problem multiple times.

The delivery guy would ring the doorbell for the person living on the ground floor of the building instead of mine, and if they weren't in they'd claim I wasn't home.

Basically, the delivery people are being squeezed so hard for time that they're trying to game the system where possible, even if it means blatantly lying.

It's messed up.

@quixoticgeek opposite problem here. Evri won't leave my parcel at the shop or lockers and insist on sending a courier to my door. If it's like last time, courier will put the parcel on the step and not knock. I wish I had a sensor pointing out there but that's not happening today

@quixoticgeek As someone living in a block of apartments I'm by policy not in, because getting someone to respond and come down takes too long. So I just get everything sent to the post office. It turns out to be faster than waiting for them to 'decide' I can't be delivered to.

@ariaflame normally they ring. I answer. They put it in the lift. Done. This time they didn't even ring.

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