
So it turns out the reason I couldn't unlock my front door, is that actually, the key to work's server room, does not in fact unlock my front door. Or in fact even fit in the key hole.

Yeah. I'm awake. Honest.

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@quixoticgeek I once tried to unlock my bicycle lock by pressing the button on my car key at it. I was very tired.

Have you tried ... correct key, wrong front door?

(Neighbour's fortunately been out all the times - yes, times plural - I've tried this. I am very absent-minded.)

@quixoticgeek I regularly try to open our flat door with the key for the front door. It also doesn’t fit. Usually, it takes one or two tries, including turning the key around (still won’t fit)…

@quixoticgeek When we get keys, we get copies made at the hardware store to distinguish them. TX flag for home, KS flag for MiL place, etc.

@quixoticgeek We've all been there. One time I tried to unlock my front door, but the key wouldn't fit in the lock. Turns out I was at the apartment right below mine.

@quixoticgeek @cstross It is now time to go back home (to the server room). 😹
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