
Due to the wonders of joined up thinking and integrated public transport. The ferry arrives at 0630. The train goes at 0631. The next train is at 0728...

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@quixoticgeek …and the greasy spoon is gone.

(I have tried to catch that 06:31 many times, but nope, it just cannot be done. They could start disembarkation earlier, the lorry drivers have pretty much left by the time you hear “Don’t Worry […]”, but noooo.)

@happydisciple having a half hourly service rather than once an hour would be a good start...

@quixoticgeek insult to injury is: there’s the 07:28, and then the 07:33, and then it continues half-hourly, more or less.

@happydisciple at least there are any trains this time. First time I came back after 3 years of no visits due to plague, it was a strike day. Had to do a combo of taxis and buses to get to my destination

@quixoticgeek *ugh* Commiserations. I’ve hit rail-replacement busses too many times. First time was okay, ‘cause hey , Ingress portals I’d otherwise not get to, but after that…

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