Genuine question, is there a function to these objects which exist in most hotel rooms beyond A Thing To Chuck Your Clothes On Because It Feels Weird To Just Throw Them On The Floor?

ETA: thanks everyone, apparently you put your suitcase on it, unpack everything in the suitcase then put your dirty clothes in the suitcase??? Personally, I cut out the middleman and put the suitcase on the floor, live out of it, and chuck anything worn on there before shoving it back in the suitcase when I leave.

Furthermore, I usually travel with a couple of empty plastic bags, so anything dirty goes in the bags while the clean clothes can be free range in the suitcase when I leave. But apparently that's not normal, since hotel rooms provide wardrobes, a suitcase stand (?!) and no bags.

honestly this has pure blown my mind. SUITCASE STANDS! I usually just put mine on either the floor, desk or armchair

While I have you here, hotel room furniture understanders, why are there usually cushions on the bed? What are you meant to do with them when they are clearly not pillows and uncomfortable as pillows, and seem to serve no function on the bed?


@stavvers to throw at the friend you're sharing a room with when you discover that despite claims to the contrary, they do in fact snore. Loudly.

At least that's what I use them for...

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