Random musing:

What is the werewolf gut microbiome like? And what happens to it when a were shifts form? (Do humans get copious diarrhoea/purge themselves right after shifting? And what happens to the gut contents if a werewolf gorges on meat right before shifting back to human?) What about parasites in raw meat, eg. trichinosis?

And are xanthine alkaloids (like theobromine, found in chocolate) as toxic to werewolves as they are to canids?


@cstross what happens to pregnant werewolves?

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@quixoticgeek The Carrie Vaughn answer to that one (spontaneous miscarriage on first shift: shifting is unavoidable during full moon) neatly sidesteps that question while adding extra psychodrama potential.

@cstross @quixoticgeek so her werewolves cannot procreate… genetically? only via… infection?

@cstross @meena @quixoticgeek
Kelley Armstrong's "Women of the Otherworld" series says otherwise, though female werewolves are a rarity, because reasons

@meena @cstross @quixoticgeek I was wondering whether spermatozoa and egg transform or remain what they were when they formed. OTOH could be an excuse for “clearing the backlog” so to speak.

@quixoticgeek @cstross

A common bit in serial transformation stories is having pregnancy lock your form. This could be awkward if you were expecting to become human again after the full moon.

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