If you live or work in Amsterdam then I recommend that you fill out this survey being done by the gemeente about making space for walking, cycling, public transit, taxis, and driving:


@notjustbikes that had an awful design. Apparently I have two conflicts, but can't work out what they actually are...

@quixoticgeek @notjustbikes

Site doesn't work very well on my phone. I'll try on desktop later.


@mcv @notjustbikes it works ok on my phone. I just can't get past a pop up saying conflicts.

I've filled in the feedback form.

It's a shockingly bad design.

Has anyone managed to actually submit a response?

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@quixoticgeek @mcv did you watch the video with the instructions? You can't move too many sliders to the right.

@notjustbikes @mcv What's the point of asking a question if they aren't going to allow the answers?

@quixoticgeek @mcv surveys like this need to have limitations because otherwise they result in useless responses.

I've been involved in surveys like this before, and if they're open ended when people just crank all the sliders to the maximum and it doesn't mean anything.

I think the UI could be better, but it's good that this survey actually forces people to think about how much space is required and how difficult each decision is.

@notjustbikes @mcv I can't get a set of answers I'm happy with, and that it will accept. I do not want to give an answer I don't believe in.

There's plenty of space in the city. It's just not used properly. The Gemeente can do lots more. It's just not willing to. I can't find a response it will accept.

@quixoticgeek @notjustbikes

There's hard choices to be made. That's always the point with these sort of things. I ended up wanting "more attention" for a lot of things and "much more attention" for only a few. Of course I'd love much more attention for everything, but there are always limits. I think this way of showing those limits works reasonably well.

Anyway, filling it in on desktop was no problem. On mobile my problem was that it often didn't seem to recognise button clicks and I was often wondering whether it was loading slowly or it simple didn't register my click.

@quixoticgeek @notjustbikes it did work for me, though I was on desktop so could easily see the gauges that indicate the constraints, perhaps that's different on phone.

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