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What's new since August 2023?

Here's my half-year photo-reportage :

Illustrated by Yin-Yang: quite some celebrations, with a bit of grief embedded in them... and quite some mourning, with a core of hope...

I love ! & I love !! These are impressions from today’s trip to : tea ceremony in the Dutch train, German clouds (with notation electricity lines! ), brunch with additional Indonesian snacks, while reading a book about Native language: collectivist culture & animism grammer ! (There is no word for please: food is meant to be shared )

are you looking for

(multiple choices possible)

So I might ask you guys if anyone knows info about the cheapest option to find accommodation in Berlin shortly.

Because without moving as a goal, I can't fathom surviving this summer without becoming toxic and self-destructing.

I'm not made for stillness. I need progress. I can't live a life without PURPOSE.

In Berlin the mere fact of acquiring another language, another culture, same I did in the UK, would be more than enough.

we have trained on
the messages
that were in
the Slack

and which
you were probably

forgive me
they were delicious
to our new
AI model

Insightful words by @bert_hubert for “… you end up with organizations that have started moving all the things to the cloud.

And now, … you will end up with no one left that really knows what’s going on.” cc @ripencc @mir @meileaben @shane_kerr @bortzmeyer @tfiebig @phessler @mutax

@pjakobs @jwildeboer

In Bangladesh, there even is a peer-to-peer system, where you connect your home to up to 3 neighbors and share energy directly in a micro-grid.

Been adding more #autoethnography to teaching & this piece caught my eye. However not sure when I'll be able to read, seems like such a gut-punch:

"intergenerational relationships & #transnational #care shaped by global #migration & aging. I reflect on the dynamics of my relationship with my mother, beginning with my departure from my home & spanning a period of 40 years. I contemplate theoretical models of intergenerational solidarity, ambivalence, & role ambiguity..."

A public service announcement with an expiration date: if you've loved my writing and science, I have a book proposal+sample chapter out on submission right now. The pitch is "The Psychology of Software Teams": a general audience, warmly human, accessible book for teams, leaders, and curious minds, filled to the brim with practitioner stories AND the new empirical social science of technology innovation. 🙌❤️

Let me know if you know editors who might be interested in this uniquely cool project.

@roknrol Haggling is a very NT thing, and at some level all sales is haggling. Some of it is charisma, some is good old social power dynamics - stuff we're not usually good at. And we do tend to value honesty over manipulation, so the whole idea of selling something by talking it up feels bad. Fold in some rejection sensitivity and a dash of imposter syndrome, and I usually just give stuff away because it's so much easier. I think this is what folks mean by an Autism Tax.

When Big Tech is challenged on its energy, material and water use, it's response is always that its working on being more efficient, finding ways to keep growing but in a "greener" way.

We must challenge the Growth Death Cult.

Our environment simply cannot cope with this incessant growth of data, data centers, servers, chips, smartphones, laptops, earbuds.

There is no infinite growth on a finite planet. Driven by Big Tech, we have already bust past multiple boundaries.

It's not sustainable.

How was Starlink ever allowed to operate in the first place?

@Quinnypig “This had made many people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move."

Lessetor in flight.

If this flame is beautiful, ⭐ or boost this post to improve its chances for future breedings.

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“optimism is yet again being used to protect the privileged, and evade duties that decency and demand (to protect those with the least resources)” & “markets are engines of ingeniously organized injustices” & “To do what’s collectively kind and what justice enjoins, cruel systems of greed and their cheerful defenders must be tamed or toppled.” & “ is often an elite-serving demon”

senior people who like to show off how smart they are or demonstrate how little executive function they have should sit the fuck down

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Hi, everyone! We are an international worker-owned co-op.

We provide tech services with a commitment to privacy, transparency and sustainability. We have a strong commitment to libre software. You can read about our values on our website:

We are especially interested in collaborating with co-ops and other collective organisations working for a better world.

#coops #workercoops #tech #cotech #freesoftware

“optimism is yet again being used to protect the privileged, and evade duties that decency and demand (to protect those with the least resources)” & “markets are engines of ingeniously organized injustices” & “To do what’s collectively kind and what justice enjoins, cruel systems of greed and their cheerful defenders must be tamed or toppled.” & “ is often an elite-serving demon”

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