Welp, I just spent the whole day trying to get glyphs to display in My partner also got sucked in, and now my new hacker name is "edge case". But, fun fact: the glyphs are already in the MacOS system font cascade (_somewhere_). Not fun fact: the easiest to find font has the glyphs at what are now non-standard unicode codepoints, so good luck getting a webapp to display them :/

@holly have you tried linjapona? (i don't know anything about the Mac problem though)


@illionas Yeah, that's the one I'm talking about. There's no problem on the Mac because MacOS has toki pona glyphs in its system fonts. The problem is non-native, web-based apps, since they can't search through system fonts. The linjapona font (by jan Same) has the glyphs at codepoints that are different from the unicode specification, so it doesn't work in these apps, nor with the input method (in the link). github.com/Id405/sitelen-pona-

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