Selfish reasons why you, a US person who doesn't have should care about the ADHD meds shortage in the US right now:

- We are your employees who were making money for you but are suddenly unproductive

- We are the irate customer who can't calm down and isn't hearing what you're saying

- We are driving on the same roads as you and your loved ones and we're not texting while driving but we might as well be

Unselfish reason: when untreated, this disorder makes us miserable.

@holly I have almost no focus today. I would love to be able to sit still and keep my mind on what I'm doing, but I can't.

This shortage sucks and we're supposed to go pharmacy hunting to try to find someone who might or might not tell you whether or not they have adderall in stock in your tablet strength.

Then you're supposed to contact your provider making more work for them to send an rx to another pharmacy that might not get filled...

It's ridiculous.


@IzabelaKaramia Oh that reminds me of the added complication where all the normal things you would do deal with a medication shortage - pharmacy hunting, ordering meds early for the best chance of getting them if they come in stock before you run out, etc. - is considered “drug seeking behavior” when what you take is a controlled substance. And actually carrying all of that out requires: executive function! Like requiring people with broken legs to take the stairs to the crutches department.

@holly @IzabelaKaramia Gotta love living in a society that has normalized letting companies who profit by not paying for care... make the rules on whether you get care. They love doing this with depressed people too - "Too depressed to function and need more treatment than throwing pills at you? Here, switch from the provider you've built a relationship with and hunt for a doctor willing to spend a couple of unreimbursed hours on a 'prior authorization' to make us to pay for it."

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