Preach! #RebeccaSolnit hits the nail on the head. If we change our perception of "wealth" from money and possessions to community, proximity to nature, and a fulfilling life, then the *necessary* changes coming will not bring loss but actually an improved standard of living!

"What if #climateChange meant not doom — but abundance?"

#solarpunk #degrowth

Love this by @RebeccaSolnit in

"Much of the reluctance to do what #climatechange requires comes from the assumption that it means trading abundance for austerity, and trading all our stuff and conveniences for less stuff, less convenience. But what if it meant giving up things we’re well rid of?... What if the austerity is how we live now — and the abundance could be what is to come?"


@nicol @RebeccaSolnit @frainz Yes! I wish I could bring every American to live in a Dutch city for a month so they could experience the beauty, quiet, convenience, and freedom of living somewhere that’s not built around car dependence.

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