USA should have only one full week of federal elections #primaries and dassit. this extended foolishness made sense in the era without phones, tv and internet.

you wanna get money out of politics? kill the primary money juggernaut by having all primaries on the same week (and i would even go as far as making it only one day, but am being generous with the one week schedule).

#USpol #2024Elections #SuperTuesday

@blogdiva the USian primaries always baffled us as an outside observer. like, its not even an elimination based run-off. people only seem to drop out when they want to. it seems like nothing more than a bunch of popularity polls that the major parties then go "hmmm, maybe we should choose the one with the bigger number" every time.


@et_alia @blogdiva I like the Dutch way. One election day, each column on the ballot is a party, each column contains a list of people that party wants to give a seat to, you mark the person you have the most confidence in. So each party is not choosing just one person to present to voters but a whole slate. (Yes, I know what happened last election, but it was an exception and Wilders still hasn’t managed to form a government yet, it’s still better than in the US) photo:

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