Just how much of an arsehole do you have to be to park here? A beautiful medieval town centre, one end of this road has bollards blocking it (the other end may do too). It's clearly a fußgangerzone, but there are no signs saying no parking. Cos no reasonable person would think this is a suitable place to discard their vehicle.

What is the German for "you park like an arsehole" ? I want to write it on the bonnet in brake fluid. (May contain traces of joke in that last sentence)

@quixoticgeek Knowing Germany, this is probably NOT a pedestrian zone. We may think it looks like one from a foreign perspective but in most German Altstadt centers you can drive. Germany is famous for it’s succesful car industry. They do love their PKW’s!


@Belle oh. What's a pkw?

I'll check the sign on the bollards when I leave.

@quixoticgeek Personen Kraft Wagen. A passenger car in German.

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