Talking with a friend about burning man, they mention that someone has died there. This got me thinking, given 80k people in one place is essentially a small city. How many people die in a given city each day?

City scale data is not easy to find. But google tells me 7974 people die in .US each day. Wikipedia tells me that there are 331,449,281 people in the US. Giving the chance of death as 0.000024%.

1 death in 80k is 0.00001%.

Burning man is safer than the US in General...

@quixoticgeek selection bias? I don't know what the circumstances actually were but if it was an avoidable death then it probably shouldn't be dismissed.


@bracken we have no data at this point. All that is known is 80000 people, and 1 death.

I'm actually surprised it's so low

@quixoticgeek 80,000 mostly youngish people mostly without chronic illnesses and with disposable income.

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