A while back I lost my set of Allen keys (the BBB set). So I treated myself to a set of colourful Wear Allen keys. Then the friend I had lent the BBB keys to, and forgotten about, returned them. My Christmas advent calendar included another set of (less colourful) wera Allen keys.

I now have 3 sets... I think I'll reserve the BBB set for lending out... Not sure about the other two sets. Maybe leave one with all the bike tools ...

@Marrekoo @quixoticgeek

But .. what to do when your keys go missing? My 2 and 5mm keys have disappeared. I can buy a new set, but then I still have an incomplete set. I’d like to buy those two keys, but so far what I’m seeing is the cost of shipping those guys will cost more than a whole set.

Yeah. Probably not the biggest of issues.


@saprentice @Marrekoo Which manufacturer? And where would they be shipping to?

@quixoticgeek @Marrekoo

Eklind. California.

The individual keys are less than $1 each. But shipping is $15+. I think this is just something I’ll have to accept. Better to have too many keys than too few.

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