When the solar cycle route was trailed near Martinsdyke, I gave an analysis on the bird site on why it's a bad idea. Guess what, the trial concluded it didn't generate as much power as they had hoped.

This is an inefficient, expensive way to deploy solar. They would get a higher yield if they used the panels to make a solar fence along the cycle path to shield riders from the wind...

Or put them on the roof of a warehouse.

Solar punk meets disability dongle

@quixoticgeek I respect the Dutch for their cycling infrastructure (as a Belgian, it's about the only thing I respect em for) but this? This is just ridiculous. There was a brainstorm, there was a project initiation fase, and this is the best they could come up with? Like it never rains in the Netherlands (put it on a roof over the cycling path), like there's never a northwesterly gale ( put it at the side, as a wind catching wall) what the actual fuck.


@cloudedjudge exactly. Arguments I made when the first one was announced...

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@quixoticgeek you should be the Dutch prime minister, I hear they have a vacancy.

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