I made a thing! Based on the designs of Chris of Clickspring, and Quinn of Blondihacks. One simple scribe. Solid brass body with a needle for the tip.

Learnt loads. Esp that I need better inserts for brass, the surface finish is... suboptimal. I may attack it with some emery paper later.

@quixoticgeek Ooooh, that looks like it was cut with a positive rake angle, brass cuts *so* much better with a negative one ^^'

@dequbed Oh yes, I was just using what ever inserts were in the makerspace lathe tool holders.

@quixoticgeek Yeah absolutely not judging, you use what you have on hand. If you like the idea of grinding your own lathe tools though you could go get yourself some HSS and grind your own cutters ^^


@dequbed For now I am thinking of it as textured for extra grip... :p

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