One of the things I did on the lathe today was practicing turning to a specific dimension. The stock has a nominal diameter of 15mm, so I decided to aim for 14mm. So I actually had something to remove.

I aimed for 14.00 and I hit...


Ah, but is that caliper actually accurate?

Well I've got some gauge blocks, so I can check it.

14.01mm suggests the calipers are out by about 10 microns.

I did check the calibration docs for the gauge blocks. This block is 0.07 microns oversize. Or 14.00007mm.

Basically it's at the point where the difference in size is almost beyond accurate measure with the equipment I have available.


@quixoticgeek running warm in the shop? I think 30C will make your gauge blocks expand almost enough. (Unless i lost an order of magnitude somewhere.)


@SkipHuffman it's 23C currently in my flat. So I don't think it's that. The caliper was 5 euro over a decade ago. I'm amazed it's as accurate as it is.

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