Working on rebraining one of @th 's old projects. it's reassuring in its hackiness, like one of those items in gossip magazines where they have pictures of celebrities in sweatpants running out to get milk. Superhackers; they're just like us

@phooky that one I would rate as a 0xA/0x10 on hackiness. The cubescroller with the controller board literally suspended by the too-short ribbon cables is probably 0xC/0x10.


@phooky and for nearly a full 0xF out of 0X10, may I present the FutureCrew patch panel.

@th that project was glorious! My favorite part was reflashing the corrupted SD cards every thirty minutes. Next time there's a makerish-faire I think we're going to try to build another.

@th I feel like my Peak Hackiness project was probably that terrible passport stamper. I do a horrible job of documenting my projects, so thank you for taking a picture!

@phooky the $100 of linear slides and laser-cut parts combined with $0.10 zipties is marvelous.

@th who knows how this stuff ends up in sharesville?

@th I'm slightly angry at myself now because I could really use that linear slide for my plotter

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